Join The Cruisade

This trip would not be possible without you

Donate directly to SSUSA and you will receive an acknowledgement letter for tax purposes since we are a 501c3 non-profit.

Donate via my PayPal and I’ll thank you by posting a photo of me sharing a meal with someone else in need along my ride!

The idea that we are all in this together is not only how to approach a cross-country bicycle tour but how we should approach everyday life. Everyone has been in need at some point, whether it be finding permanent housing, a job, freedom from addiction, mental health or trying to patch up a torn relationship with a friend or dealing with the loss of a family member and the list goes on. As I hear about the daily struggles at the NYC homeless shelters where we coach our Street Soccer USA teams I am reminded that we can achieve great things and overcome the dark times through the support of loving friends and by passionately pushing forward towards accomplishing anything we set our mind to.

The Bike Cruisade mission is to ride through as many Street Soccer USA cities along The Path and have our motivation refueled as we meet the players and share their hard work towards achieving their goals on and off the field. We play and will ride for bigger goals in hopes for a better world without poverty and homelessness. By combining soccer and cycling on this Bike Cruisade we will hopefully inspire others to do more things they are passionate about and who knows we might even see a few new Street Soccer USA programs start up!

Email if you know anyone that wants to get involved as either a gear sponsor, food sponsor, roof sponsor, or just to say hello!